

Tavastia-klubi is one of Helsinki’s oldest and most legendary venues. Tavastia is a great example for an Accompany-project because of their unique positioning in the live music field. The negative impact of a venue is quite small in its fixed emissions, but the potential reach very large with direct stakeholders and secondary stakeholder through the performing acts.

For Tavastia Accompany is doing a year-long project that aims to incorporate sustainability into the company’s strategy. The project is divided in to three separate parts to cater to the clients needs.

Impact Assesment – A Co2 footprint calculation and assessment. 

Insight & workshopping – Extensive workshopping with the client’s stakeholders to generate a large pool of possible CSR approaches. The data gathered in this phase is crucial to form a holistic understanding of what is expected of the client and how different kind of  actions would resonate with the target stakeholders.

Implementation into strategy – The validation of the stakeholder data and developing it to an implementable form in to the firm’s strategy. Fine tuning the approaches together with the clients operative personnel and Accompany experts. 


Solid business cases

Together with the client we identify key metrics and outcomes for the partnership and set up ways to measure our progress

Stakeholder Insight and involvement

Stakeholders are vital for companies. Our process and experience ensure they have a chance to contribute and validate the innovations.


Our stakeholder-centric approach ensures that we are rooted in facts. On top of that we do separate market validation during the projects.

Transformative Innovation

Many innovations come from where we do not tend to look for them. We pair people from different fields to innovate new approaches to corporate responsibility.

Large Pool of specialists

Our backgrounds vary from creatives to academics to business minds and all in between and beyond paired with out sustainability expertise.

Expertise on implementation

The stakeholders do all the hard work with the ideas, we just facilitate. Our specialties lie in solid implementation plans and in turning the ideas into business.